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Blog Post 1: Reflections

Setting up my Wix account has definitely been interesting, and I did struggle at times about figuring out what exactly I needed to do for the first assignment. I found myself going back to Blackboard and PLE for instructions and how-to guides. After the work, I would say it is now something I am now looking forward to having in the future, because it is a great place to promote myself and my accomplishments to future employers or internships (which I am going to be applying to this semester) so it was the perfect opportunity for me currently!

I’d say the easiest part of setting up the account was at the beginning, when I created my initial template for the layout of the page. From then on, I’ve spent two days working on designing it and changing and tweaking things and paragraphs. In the end, I actually decided to make it look more like one of their templates instead of changing things up too much, which was frustrating! But I’m happy with the look now.

The hardest part was again that I had to figure out how to create a good looking page that provided the information that was needed for the first part of the eportfolio. I feel confident that Mrs. Lietzenmayer will like the look of my page, and I feel that if changes need to be made that I can do them with little to no problem. The only question I have now is, what more do I need to add?

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